miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016



Ale is the word that describes the group of beers that use top-fermenting yeast. This feature, as opposed to using low fermentation yeast is what makes the distinction between the two great families of beers: ale and lager.

In the simplest form of processing, during fermentation hot that lasts about three or four days, a temperature of about 25 ° C. is reached, however, many farmers left to ferment beer up to two weeks. Then, most top-fermented beers have some form of post-ripening, which can range from a few days of conditioning hot between 13 and 16 ° C, to a maturation in cold or even a second fermentation in the cask or bottle.

The term refers to the type ale fermentation and has nothing to do with the color, style or body. The ale may be pale or dark, to have much or little body, high or low alcoholic graduation and be more or less bitter. Everything will depend, among other things, the amount and type of malt used, the hops and the maturation experiment.

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